We’ve told you we were coming, so here are the details: OCTOBER 20-22, FESTIVAL INTERNACIONAL de VANGUARDIA CHILE. Chile’s first avant grade festival, a free 3 day event, that will not only feature 2 nights of THE TALKING BOOK, but also Chile legends FULANO and Koolarrow’s very own COMO ASESINAR A FELIPES!! This is be TALKING BOOK’s first overseas show, and Bill and Jared have been working overtime in tooling up the set into something that will be very unpredictable but should sound absolutely incredible. Along with Bill and Jared, we’re joined by Dominic Cramp (Evangelista, Vulcanus 68) and for the first time will be accompanied by an intensely cinematic visual backdrop, created and edited by French artist Roland Quelven and Isabel Perez del Pulgar.( Nos veremos pronto compadres!