Engine Machine
After their rhythmically berserk debut Knee (1997), and the more melodically varied Exploring Beauty (2001), Düreforsög spent the next year and a half working on material for Engine Machine, the writing of which was done during practice sessions, and in various demo-studios. Using the two first albums as base, the band has brought their music into more abstract and open plane. Produced by the band themselves and mixed by Billy Gould and Flemming Rasmussen, the album is presented more as a series of sequences rather than as traditional fixed compositions, with a number of themes running throughout the entirety of the album ensuring that the overall structure is kept intact. Yet again, while perhaps a little drier, a little more aggressive, and a bit more “live” than the earlier album, it still throws a heavy ambience, and puts out an energy totally different from almost anything else that’s coming out right now.
“The closest analogy to Denmark’s Dureforsog is probably Wire – certainly in their most creative period… It’s perhaps facile to define the group in terms of others, especially when they have their own developed sound, and they’re only going to get better. But the analogies serve as markers toward the territory they’re mining – and finding a lot of gold in the seams.” – Chris Nickson, ALL MUSIC GUIDE