Considering their East Bay metal roots, “Glow” is a very bold step into the musical future. True, the heavy influences are still there; but the emphasis on melody and songwriting takes the group to an entirely different level…and one begins to wonder whether this is a band that has merely had the guts to mature, or whether it is an entirely new band altogether. Classic rock in the real sense of the word.
“UNJUST haven’t been strangers anymore for a rather long time and after two really convincing albums (“Thin Line Emotions” and “Makeshift Grey”) you could expect quite a lot from the third work of this Bay Area band. But probably even in his wildest dreams no one would have expected that this third album, often described as a defining output in a band’s career, would reach that impressive dimensions. “Glow”, without already having entered into single songs, simply is a masterpiece.” – METAL OBSERVER